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15 Lessons SUCCESS Teaches You - [texts]

We know you're all trying to make it, so what better way to help you in your  journey then by going through the some of the things you'll learn along the way even if you are not successful yet! By the end of this post you should at least have the clear understanding if you're on the right path. Without knowing these you might be tempted to quit when you were actually making progress and closing in on your goal. So pay attention. With that said, here are 15 lessons success teaches you:

1. Success Takes A Little While To Materialize: Anybody who's worked their way into a happy and successful life knows it didn't happen overnight. If you look around to the web it's filled with forums and discussions on how to make money quick, how to get rich quick, how to make a million dollars by the end of this year. We're living in the age of instant gratification post a pic-> the likes start rolling in. Order food-> in just a couple of minutes your delivery guy is at the door. Want entertainment->click on the any of the thousands of movies and TV shows streaming services are offering these days. All of these changes the way we interact with the world are new and exciting but they have side effects when it comes to building long lasting success. 

"People overestimate what they can do in a year,but underestimate what they can achieve in 5 to 10 years."

If you are in this game for real you should plan for the next decade who do you need to become in order to be successful at the end of this period.

2. Success Is The Result Of Small Daily Actions Repeated Over Extended Period Of Time: When looking back at how they made it, every successful individual can point to a series of boring and repetitive actions that slowly moves the needle in the right direction. Most people think of success as an "AHA" moment an innovative idea that changes the world. But this is almost never the case, like most professional athletes if you want to compete at highest level you need to train every single day for as long as it takes. It's not complicated but you need to keep pushing at it every single day. Here's the truth on making it;

"Do everything in your power to get closer to becoming the person that is most likely to live the reality you desire!"

3. Success Is Only Possible If You Go All In On Your Strengths: Nobody become a massive success by betting on their weaknesses, let that sink in for a second until you understand it completely. Every successful person out there has a clear understanding of what their strengths are and have made it their business to leverage those into where they are today. Although, it might sound obvious right now the majority of the population never learns this incredibly valuable lesson because they are trained not to. If you are failing french in school but excel at painting what do your parents do they get you a tutor in french.You see people are investing in the wrong things and as a result ensuring mediocrity instead of pooling those resources into something  that might actually help you double down on what you are really good at.

4. Success Means Surrounding Yourself With People Who Want You To Win: Every successful individual has learned that they need strong people around them. From business partners to friends, to family, they can tip the scale of success in your favor or even more so keep you away from reaching your true potential. After much consideration here's the most effective way to think about this;

"Hang out with Eagles, you are gonna sour out the sky! 
Hang out with Hamsters, you are gonna spend you life in a cage!"

When looking back one of the biggest lessons you can learn is just how much of an impact quality people have had on your life and where would you be without them. Treasure these people who have taken upon themselves to make sure you make the most out of your life.

5. You Don't Reach Success, You Grow Into It: The big lesson that only the successful learn is that success isn't a destination instead it's a side effect of self improvement. It's something that others see in you as you keep doing what you need to be doing. A big take-away for those of you going on this journey is you don't actually know when you're successful; instead other peoples start looking up to you and getting inspired by what you're doing and achieving. The paradox is that the harder you work the more success you acquire and the less you care about other people thinking of you as a success. This is a big difference between really successful people and wannabes: Pretenders who want other people to think of them as successful, while the real ones are busy actually building. We said it earlier, it's the little things. Keep putting the work into that project you care about, keep reading posts like this one and put them to good use, keep reading and listening to audio-books that offer valuable insights. All these little things pile up in time and if you put them to practice at some point you'll find yourself successful.

6. There Are Different Levels Of Success: Yep! what might seem like success for someone may not be what success looks like for you. We are not talking about financial success alone, there are many types of successes. Of courses having a successful business can take away some of the worries, but you need to be successful in other aspects of your life as well. You need health, you need a successful family, a great social network and to live an incredible life. And while most people struggle to break through in the first level of success, a lesson that more advanced individuals have learned is that there are different levels to this game. This is why you see success people still working hard, how many of you have thought to yourself that if you have a fraction of that money someone else has, you'd be set and you wouldn't need anything else. 

"Higher levels of success requires new believe systems,new types of thinking and an entire type of discipline."

You see in the process of earning that success, your values change, your eyes open, and you understand more about life, and that's why this idea of continues learning and growth might might not make sense to some people.

7. Success Comes With A Price: One of the biggest lesson to learn in life is that everything has a price and success teaches you the cost of being successful. Here's how we want you to think about this from this point forward:

" The best math you can learn is to calculate the future cost of current decisions!"

Every decision you make comes with a cost, either material, which if you think about it gets converted into hours of work. When you buy a new iphone, you are not paying with cash, instead you are paying tens of hours spent working at your job, that got you the cash in the first place. When you are making a decision to attend an event, there's always the opportunity cost of what you could've achieved in the same amount of time. The more you think about it, the more you understand the value of time through the potential of what it could be converted to and the outcome generated by these choices. The successful know exactly what did it cost to get where they are, while everybody else have no idea and wasting time left and right because it's easy.

8. The Opposite Of Success Isn't Failure It's Inaction: If this doesn't hit you in the face like a brick we don't know what will. This is incredibly valuable folks, and you are one of the few people who has chosen to get access to this type of lesson, while everybody will never try anything in their life because they are scared of failure. Successful people have learned this lesson early on. They tried, they failed and they tried again until success.

"The thing that stopping you from moving forward in life, isn't the fear of failure, it is your decision to not get started at all!"

You are postponing your dreams, your goals, your ideas, lying to yourself that "one day" you'll get to them, when in reality all you are doing is sacrificing the future at the expense of the present. The first version of everything was the worst! That's why it's the first version. It serves as a building block of everything else. Write the worst book you can write and then slowly improve it. It definitely beats not writing anything at all. If you have an idea, at the end of this post, we challenge you to do one thing and one thing only that you've been postponing for a while. Do it today!

9. You'll get on some people's toes: Not everybody gonna be thrilled that you're moving forward with your life while they are not. But everyone is in their own race.

"You are not racing against each other, we're all racing against poverty. "

Because most people don't understand that you have to do what's right for yourself and your family, so what if they behave toxically towards you! The amount of hate we are seeing around everybody who is just trying their best to figure out their lives is incredible. A big lesson success teaches you is that others think they could have done the same thing as you did, but because of their own reasons they haven't. This faulty type of thinking somehow results in personal frustration which they put out into the world in any way they can.

"Just because you could have done it, doesn't take anything away from the person that actually did!"

That's why athletes are on the field and everybody else is a spectator.

10. Success Begins With A Solid Mindset: When successful people look back on their lives, a big reason on why they made it is their ability to overcome the instinct of quitting. Getting rich and building something of value is hard work. There are days when you feel like you're on the top of the world and some when you want to just crawl back into bed and turn the world off completely. The strength of your mindset is what allows you to keep pushing forward when everything else says you should throw in the towel. The way we think, the way we see reality and what it could become if we altered it according to our own desires. Successful people have learned along the way to tame their minds and harness their internal creative energy for personal gain. An untrained mind is filled with self-sabotage, is unable to self-motivate and have negative outlook on life. Luckily for us, we discovered this early in our journey and we made it our mission to elevate our mindset.

11. Not Everyone Will Clap When You Win: Be careful for those people who are not excited when you manage to push through. Watch out for vipers, don't let them indoctrinate! Even family might hold a bit of envy and it will break your soul to learn the truth, but that's life. People who you consider brothers or sisters will judge you for your success. Attitude change with time, respect might turn into envy. But life moves forward. As long as you care for these people, if they are not willing to join you for the ride, you have to leave them behind.

"You can't do global-minded things,with the local-minded peoples."

Some goals are bigger than a single person and you need to be surrounded with folks that will do everything in their power to earn their way in this boat that's going to the land of prosperity.

"There are no free tickets to any place worth going!" 
Are they willing to pay their price or are they just looking for a free ride? You decide!

12. Success = Luck x skills: We feel that this might cause a bit controversy among our audience. Before you reach out for your pitchforks and touches, let's have a look at what luck actually is. When successful people think of luck, they think of it in a different way than everyone else. Luck is not being born in Syria right now. Luck is being born in a time where technology and information is widely available to everyone. Luck is meeting the right person at the right time. Luck is noticing a trend happening in a marketplace and shifting your focus to it. Luck is life allowing you to go about it undisturbed by any anomalies.  You are lucky that you are alive and with a good head on your shoulders. Luck is not having any of the bad things happens to you and understanding how blessed you actually are. Once you learn this incredibly valuable lesson, you can finally focus on making the most out of it. This luck multiplied by the value skills you have in your internal portfolio is what allows you to be successful. Poor people think of luck as having something the're not worthy of just through chance! While successful people think of luck as gratitude for what they currently have. Big freaking difference.

13. Your Network Is Your Safety Net: A valuable lesson successful people have to learn the hard way has to do with their networks and the people they know. You see, as love progresses you meet peoples in different positions and with different skills and insights. If executed correctly this could save your life, personally and financially. Every successful individual knows that you can't survive through everything alone.

"Even the lone wolf needs to join a pack if he wants to take down the big game and survive the winter."

Every rich person out there is aware of  some of these secrets and uses them constantly to get ahead in life. Now you can learn them yourself if you choose to!

14. Success breeds more success: Aren't you envious about how some people just keep on winning? It seems like success follows them around. This is another lesson that success has taught us.

"Success isn't linear. It's exponential"

Some of you might not have an idea of what this means, so here's a graph to show you.

This is what most people think happens when you start doing well in life. 
But in reality here's how success goes. If you look at this graph you see that early on there's barely any vertical moment, but as you keep going at it you start to pick up speed and you have lift off. The more time passes the more success you build. Why does this happen? You meet people, you know more, you have access to more opportunities, you ave access to better services and better talent. With enough time success allows you to get even more success at less of a cost. A big lesson that very few people know. They try things, it feels like they are not making any progress and quit before they even get the chance to swing up.

15. Success is the result of planning & execution: Every successful person out there has learned this lesson of how to turn any desire into reality. It has nothing to do with a magic lamp, with finding the right fish or four-leaf clover. Instead, it's a simple process:

"A DREAM written down with a date, becomes a GOAL 

A goal broken down into steps becomes a PLAN

A plan backed by ACTION becomes REALITY!"

For the past 6 years, we have been able to implement a specific way of breaking down goals and  planing them out that has allowed us and those that use it to constantly improve and hit them every single year. This type of planning has been one of the secret sauces successful people have learned along the way which allow them to not only keep, but constantly grow their wealth, their success both personally and professionally. Your ability to learn from other people's success is what will allow you to grow beyond what previous versions of yourself even thought possible. 

<<  BONUS  >>

16. You Can Still Fail At Life, Despite Being Seen As Successful: This is one of those ideas that has been keeping us up at night and in recent years has changed the way we prioritize things. We saw incredibly successful people struggling with addiction, depression and in some cases, they choose to end their lives. People whom, in our own eyes, had everything we wanted to obtain, but were unhappy and choose to end it all. That was a moment a light-bulb lit inside our head that traditional success is no longer enough, especially if it comes at the expense of everything else. Since then, we have chosen to pursue success in all areas of our lives. Although we took a pay cut, we feel a lot more successful now with every other aspect in our life elevated, than we did when all we were doing was chasing money- at the expense of what it actually matters in life. Don't get us wrong, we're still going hard and winning big in the financial game, but we are no longer neglecting the other pillars that make up for a successful life. 

We hope you will learn from our success lesson and figure out how to apply this in your own life. We'd like to thank you and congratulate you for the choice you'e made today to invest in yourself when you could've easily used this time for entertainment. We're super proud to have people like you in our community and we can't wait to learn more about you!


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