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Alpha Voice Tone Tips

Sexy Voice Tone Tips:

  1. Don't use a forced tone or copy someone elses voice, be yourself and speak your voice. Instead of copying someone master your voice and use it to your advantage.

  1. Learn to relax your throat when you speak. a. Good posture(stand up straight make sure your body is comfortable and your throat is relaxed) A great way to relax your throat is by yawning,  (yeouahh! .. do it for 30 seconds a day and you will notice a difference.) It's also important to get rid of any anxiety or jitters before you approach women. Have a confident mindset. Confident mindset is so crutial. 

  1. Use proper breathing techniques. Take deep breaths. Expand your chest and allow your body to breath from your diaphragm not your chest. Whenever you talk make sure your chest is out, chin up and your shoulders 

  1. Speak clearly and slowly, using pauses(silence while talking is powerful, it triggers that - i expect you to listen and i'm confident about it) Nothing good will come out of you trying to cram everything you want to say into one breadth you're gonna end up sounding like a cartoon character on fast forward. You are not a rapper you are a human. Speak slowly and clearly. Speaking slowly and pausing in between every few words not only helps you collect your thoughts so you dont stumble over your words it also helps you seem more confident because when you talk really really fast like this it shows I don't believe what o have to say is important  and that you're gonna walk away at any moment. But when you take your time it shows that I expect you listen to me is important. Therefore it shows I believe what I have to say is important aka confidence when you pause more not only does it minimize the chance of you making mistakes but it also helps you eliminate filler words like um like so because when you use a lot of filler words um it kind of sounds like you don't really know what you are talking about. So instead use pauses because when you pause it creates some anticipation. The the listener gets more drawn into the conversation because they want to know what you have to say next. 
  1. Practice regularly with speaking exercises. Perfect practice makes perfect pitch and if you want to master your speaking voice then you must practice regularly just like how I mentioned you you should practice yawning every day. Hollywood style exercise say mmmmm mmmmmm while gently hitting your chest. Do 10 to 15 minutes a day these vocal warm up exercise everyday. 

1. Use high status voice instead of a low status voice. Women can tell you if you are a high status man or a low status man just by your voice so listen to the difference between, "hi I just saw you here and I thought you were really cute" versus "hi just saw you here and I thought you were really cute" . The low status Male raises his tonality at the ends of his sentences sou ding like he's  unsure or sounding like he's trying to please her or seek her approval you'll notice that this is how a lot of restaurant servers speak to their customers because they're trying to please them hi how was your meal you 


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