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Focus and utilize the your time and energy.

In today’s world of over simulation, seemingly unlimited distractions and short attention spans, it’s no wonder there are so many people who don’t succeed. It’s no wonder so many people never achieve anything significant. It’s no wonder so many people never reach their true potential. If you want to achieve anything great you must shout out all distractions.

Successful people are focused people. Successful people can go into a space where they shut out everything. Where they lock in on the task in front of them. Lock in on their goal. Lock in on their dream. If it is important enough to you, you will shut out all distractions. Shut the door, turn your phone off, turn off social media, lock in, focus and get the job done.

A recent study pointed out That average adults spends around 1hour and 40 minutes every day on social media! That is nearly 12 hours Per week! Over 50 hours per month, 616 hours per year. It adds up to 128 days over a period of 5 years. 128 days wasted every 5 years. Imagine if you use that time better. Just imagine if you replaced that wasted time With completely focused time, working on something you love. The person you will be in 5 years time will be very different depending on which path you choose to take. Those who don’t succeed, let’s call them ‘I don’t know’.. the majority.. They are like a puppy with a bone. Anytime a bone comes along social media likes or comments, a text message, a TV show.. an opportunity at another night out any attention or meaningless distraction they drop everything important to them, and chase the bone. They could be sitting on a million dollar idea something that could change their life completely. But as soon as that bone comes along they follow it. Day in day out. Meaningless distractions tearing people away from the life they deserve. Meanwhile they are left feeling empty inside because they haven’t fed their soul with the pride that comes from self growth.

Growth comes from shutting out the world and going all in on their dream. Growth from finding a way when there seems to be no way. Growth that comes when you go beyond the life you thought you were capable of. Every time you choose something over your goal, you from a bad habit, a habit that gets stronger and eventually overpowers your goal. It defeats your dream.

Form a different habit. A habit of discipline. Discipline from shutting out what most won’t so you have the things most don’t. A habit of going all in. A habit of integrity. When you say your goal matters to you so that it matters make it a priority. If you want to achieve great things shut out distractions of this world, and make your goal a priority. 

Steve jobs once said: “People think focus means saying yes to thing you’ve got to focus on, but that’s not what it means at all. It means say no to the hundred other good ideas that there are.” 

You have to pick carefully. You have to be able to shut out everything but the most important thing that you must do right now. Get it done with 100% of your presence and attention. Give it everything you have, your heart and your soul. That will ensure your best work and will lead to your next best result.

Zig Zigler said: “Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have 24 hour days.” 

Now that’s the truth if I have ever heard it! We all have 24 hours in a day. How you spend that time will determine where you end up in life. How you spend your 24 hours will determine if you live with pride or regret. How you spend your 24 hours will determine if you survive or thrive. Now it’s time to focus, lock out the things you don’t need, lock in on the life you must have, prepare to suffer now so you can enjoy later.


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