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The Kings Attitude (Heart Of A LION) | Team Fearless


Sheep follow the leader they follow the herd, they don't know where are going, many times they are led to the slaughterhouse but they keep following, they don't lead, they don't use their mind. 

A LION leads. It's about having the courage to stand and fight for your life, having the strength to go bravely in your own direction even if others walk away, you treat your own path. Only you know what's best for you, only you know which path to take, only you know your courage, your strength, your heart. Everyone has the heart of a Lion inside of them. Let it out let it scream out of you like the Lion, unleash the beast in you. Attitude is what you think, what you do, and what you feel about yourself. Attitude is everything in life guess why, whether you rise or fall everything is based on the attitude that you showed at that moment, your attitude determines your altitude. 

Listen carefully, i have been through tough times I've experienced it and i want you to know that it wasn't my money that brought me this far it was my attitude towards life. It was my attitude to keep going when the going get's tough that is the lions attitude i'm talking about. 

The question is; what is your attitude towards life that you think of yourself? As i'm talking to you now, do you think of yourself as how god think of you? or do you think of yourself as how friends and family members think of you? 

You need the LION's attitude: the attitude to take charge of your destiny, you need the lion's attitude that says  "I CAN", you need the LION's attitude, the attitude that says " I WILL", because i'm BOLD enough TO FIGHT. You need the lion attitude if you are standing in for greatness. Real Lions: they are hungry when the time comes for their mission. Lions are leaders who lead the rest of the animals.  Become a LION! Be fearless, don't Talk; walk the talk. Real Lions they demonstrate who they are. A Lion does not seek respect, they command respect and authority because they know they should be respected. Be a lion. A sheep follows the leader a LION leads

It's about having the courage to stand and fight for your life, having the strength to go in your own direction even if no one believes in you. Follow your heart only you know what is best for you, only you know which path to take. 

You have the heart of a LION inside you. Let it out don't fit in, stand out and use your gift.

The lion is certain there are no 'maybes' with in the lion. 

"This is my decision and i will attack until the outcome is mine!" 

No one will push me around, no one will tell me where to go or what to do if i want something i will go after it with everything i have inside me! 

The sheep is not certain that is why the sheep follows the herd not knowing where they are going, not caring just drifting trough life being pulled and prodded being sheared from head to toe until there is nothing left to give and that is what i see in many people. 

Life, the world, and society is shredding you of your very self from head to toes you lose your own unique foot print you become what others want you to see not what you want to be. 

Don't let anyone push you around, be like a lion, roar so loud with your own spirit that no one would doubt you ever again, no one would question your goals no one would dare challenge you again because you certainly shine through like the lion.


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