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Sadhguru On Finding Purpose Of Your Life | Make A Life Out Of What You Do

Photo: Sadhguru
There is thought and there is emotion. People think these two things are saying different things. They are not saying different things. The way you think is the way you emote, isn't it so? Right now if i think "oh she is the most wonderful person on the planet" i just have to think. Then my emotions become sweet towards her. Now i think she is the most horrible creature on the planet. Now my emotions become nasty. Yes or No? I can not think she is horrible and have sweet emotions. I cannot think she is wonderful and have nasty emotions, isn't it so? But today i thought she is the most wonderful person and my sweetness was flowing. Suddenly she did something tomorrow that i don't like. I think she is horrible. Thought is agile, it changes direction just like that. Emotion is a little sappy. It takes time to turn around. 

So that period you struggle as if there are two dimensions of this thing. Because thought is saying one thing emotion is still going sweet. Because it takes time to become nasty everybody struggles but it catches up or no after sometime. Today you thought she is wonderful, sweetness was flowing. Tomorrow she did something you don't like. You thought she is horrible. Thought is clearly saying she is horrible but emotion is struggling because they can't turn quickly. They take time to turn. But after a week or ten days or two months depending on how deeply you are engaged. After some time emotion catches with the thought. Emotion also says - yes she is nasty or horrible. So well let's be nasty to her. So they are not speaking different languages. One is agile another is little slow in his corners. 

So it looks like they are speaking different languages. When it comes to what you want to do, oh, you must think clearly. It is very important. Thinking clearly means .. The question is not about what will get me this, what will get me that. Is your life precious to you?Your life. Is it precious to you? Yes. So before you invest this life into something you must look. Whether if i invest my life into this after 25 years will it still mean a lot to me? After 5 years will it still mean a lot to me? At the end of my life you will turn back and narrate -look! Will i proud of this? Or will i be ashamed of what i'm doing right now? Doesn't matter what other people say. 

But you should not do anything that you will feel ashamed of, isn't it so? Huh? It doesn't matter people say so many things. Everyone has opinion it's their business but you don't do something that you will feel ashamed of, isn't it? 


Then you are turning against yourself. Somebody turn against you, you can leave them and go somewhere else. If you turn against yourself you will have to live with itself forever. 

So this is all you have to look at it. Something will get you money, something will get you comfort. That's not the point. What you choose to do. Will it give you a life? When i say give you a life? Are you just trying to make a living? Or are you trying to make a life out of this? Important. Making a living is not an issue. 

A worm, a insect, a bird, an animal, all of them are making their life making a living, isn't it so? They are even making a life out of it but definitely they are making a living. 

Making a living with such a big brain is not an issue. Earning your food is not a issue. Making a living is not a issue. Only problem is you want to live like somebody else. That's an endless problem. I want to live is not a problem. I want to live like you - this is a problem. 
Photo: Amazon India
So it is important. If you consider your life as a precious life. You must make sure you make a wonderful life out of this. Hmm? Whatever opens up in that direction. That is the thing you should do. 

But when you are under pressure of peers somebody is saying "i'm going to america", somebody is saying "i'm going to the government job", somebody is saying i'm doing this. One thing that all of you should do before you make big decisions in life is withdraw from this pressure of peers, professors, parents, everybody. 

Photo: Isha Foundation
Just spend 3 days to 1 week by yourself. Look at it, what is it that you really want to do. Not under pressure from other people. What does this life want to do? Do that. It doesn't matter. What other people think about it. 


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