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There Is No Such Thing As Important And Not Important | Significance Of Timing | Sadhguru


In terms of doing anything in the world.. well, we should know what we are doing. The capability, intelligence all these things are there but one important aspect that specially when you are young you try to miss is the timing.

If you don't time your actions right even the best action will go waste. So, those who don't know 'how to time their life' they will start looking for standard charts "What is good time? What is bad time?"There is no such thing. Timing is most important, this is something i'm constantly striving with people around me to understand the significance of Timing. They all think the significance of the action they understand but they don't understand most of the time the significance of Timing. If the timing is right. even a small action will produce a huge impact, If the timing is wrong even if you push so hard only little will happen. 

So timing is very very important. How do you arrive at this it is a complex affair because you first of all let's only handle one aspect because if you go into the other you will fall into the astrological charts. One aspect is; see you as a human being let's say you take 24 hours time or if you want to take a longer time let's say a week or a month, if we take in one month 24 hours everyday. One month long 30 days. Are you in same state of physical and mental competence? No. It's all the time here and there? 

So when you want to hit an important shot you must be at your best. So, this timing you take care of it. Outside timing is there that will take lot of experience and wisdom to time with the world but at least with you. You time it; when you are at your best you do important things when you are not so good you don't do it. 

Just three days ago somebody in Bangalore was telling someone else here about his experience of driving with me many years ago, almost 8 years ago. He still remembers because it so terrified him. Because my right leg is heavy. So he said "the way he was driving that day.. i said Sadhguru! don't drive like this" he said . It seems i said i don't remember.. may be i said because i look at it like that i should have said it; on a particular day when i am on i know today i can do anything and i will do it right anything.. another day i'm little not there then i know today i step back. And i go little more cautiously like everybody else otherwise i go boom. So i'm driving that day like that and he is terrified. I said "don't worry today nothing will happen because i'm in this condition, this day nothing will go wrong for me I'm on today". So this timing at least. 

There is also timing with the rest of the world. The situations that will take much more experience and observation to get the right thing at the right time but at least the timing with yourself that you are at your best. When you want to do important things you are at your best. This must happen once you understand this then you will realize it's extremely important to keep yourself at your best every moment of your life. Because every little thing that you do if you learn to do it with as much significance as the so called big things that you do then you will see the commutative impact of that. Over a period of  time is so big you didn't do anything big you did only little little things but this little things add up to something phenomenal simply because you took care to do those little things with absolute intention and attention. 

Intensity of expression of what you are doing so one fundamental thing before you realize and read all these things properly within yourself and around yourself, one simple thing is just this: you don't decide what is important and what is not important just pay as much attention to everything the same way and apply yourself with same level of intensity. If god comes same intensity if an ant comes same intensity of attention and involvement. You just do this everything will short itself out. 

Right now the biggest problem with human beings is they think this is important that is not important, this person is great this person is no good, this is okay this is not okay, this is god this is devil. This is their problem. In this they are becoming half alive because half of the time they are not there. Because they think it's not important. Tell me you are breathing right now, Is it important? Yes. So you must do it with total involvement and intensity. If it is not important you must stop it, isn't it? 

Just do this one thing there is no such thing as important and not important. Whether you look at your friend or you look at somebody you don't like you are doing something important socially or not so important socially as far as you are concerned as a life. Every moment of your life is equally important. Everything that you do is important. What is not important? Just don't do it. Why are you investing your life is something that you think is not important you are doing something silly. Let's say; I think it's not important, it doesn't matter but you think it's important. Only, if you think it's important you must invest your life in it, isn't it? Otherwise why? If you do this you will arrive at the timing, take a little time. But you will arrive at the timing. And that timing is extremely important. 

You have watched games? Let's say maybe cricket or golf If you have watched always everybody is talking about the timing of hitting the ball. Strength of hitting the ball is not the thing it's not the timing. Somebody hits the same ball with great amount of you know wasting energy. Another person just flicks it, it goes to the same place. It's the timing. This is true even in your life. Timing is the most important thing because the time that you have in this life and the energy that you have in your life is limited It's a limited resource. Nobody has endless energy, isn't it? Nobody has endless time. So, you have to time it right. First thing is start observing yourself. When you are at your best you must do. And, now if you observe yourself sufficiently you will see you have to be at your best every moment. There is no such thing as this is important and this is not important.

There is no such thing as 'the best'. The biggest mistake people make is that they want to choose that which is the best. Whether it is your career, marriage, spiritual choices, ultimate choices, there is no best thing to do in your life. If you put your everything into what you choose to do it becomes a great thing. -Sadhguru


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