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You Have To Create Something In Order To Become Rich

If you are broke. If you are feeling stuck. If you don't know how to start, listen carefully what i'm going to say because it will change your psychology. If you really want to be rich here's what you really got to do. You have to become a creator immediately. You have to be creating something in order to become rich. People who are poor really not creators. What they do is sell themselves out to an employer who then uses their services and you do work for the employer and you get paid X amount of dollars per hour, per month, per year whatever the term is. Right now for your boss you are probably creating stuff. Maybe you're writing things. Maybe you're doing graphics design. maybe you're doing engineering schematics or you are providing some sort of organization work as a secretary. You're creating those reports, and organization, or maybe you're managing people, but your are not owning it. The company owns it. The boss owns it. You are working for someone. It's really hard to become rich working for somebody else. 

This idea of being a creator: you have to be creating something. Create something. For many of the peoples in the world right now, they are probably not creating anything in their life right now at all. Many of them be going to a 9-5 job where they are doing some piddly type work for an organization whose value they don't really believe in. Whose products they don't really believe in, they don't really care about. They're really not putting any passion into it and if you are in that position, i do not consider you a creator. Even if you are creating stuff for the company you're not really a creator. A creator is someone who has vision. Someone who put their blood and sweat into their work. They take their work very personally and they care not about the paycheck, or making sure they don't upset their boss or something silly like that.

Some people come about this very naturally, through the way they are raised. Other people maybe like you right now down't see themselves as a creator. You can refashion into a creator. And when you do, wow! you are going to have some amazing things happen. First thing that's going to happen is you're actually going to enjoy what you are doing at work. The next thing that's going to happen is that you are actually going to get excited waking up in the morning. You are going to have so much drive and passion. People are going to see that on you. The next thing is going to actually position you to be extremely rich. 

One can't get rich by doing ordinary work not really. One can't get rich in this world by doing mediocre work. You have to do extraordinary work. You have to be exceptional. A lot of you right now are probably saying: "Yes i want to be a creator. I've been thinking about it but i'm just stuck. I'm stuck. Things are not letting me to be a creator. My parents are holding me back. My friends are holding me back. My boss is holding me back. My company is holding me back. My money situation is holding me back." Here's the deal. This is the biggest thing, even bigger than being a creator, that is holding you back from being rich. 

You are not rich because you are blaming other people. You are not taking responsibility for your life and the circumstances that you are in. 

Here's what's going to happen: you can either be a victim and stay a victim in your life and keep getting the kinds of results that you have been getting. Or you can open your mind up and accept these new ideas and let you ego get bruised by the fact that you're sabotaging your own life. 

Start making the hard changes you have to make to start to get a transformation. Your boss is actually not holding you back. What's holding you back is your thought that your boss is holding you back. Your parents aren't really holding you back. What's holding you back is you thought that your parents are holding you back. It's the assumptions you have. This is the biggest thing that's holding you back from creating wealth, from being rich and getting success in any area of your life. What's happening right now that you are limiting your options because you think you are stuck, and you have got these assumptions.

Really, what you are doing is thinking inside a very small little box. That little box is keeping you where you are at. It's keeping you kinda comfortable, but also very frustrated. What you have got to do is expand that idea. 

And the way to do that is to say "OK, from now on, no more complaining. No more negative thinking. No more finger pointing. I'm responsible, 100% , for my whole life, for everything."

Many don't want to hear this. Because it's very threatening to the ego. 

What's awesome is that when you accept this, what this means is that, you have complete power to change everything in your life. 

And that my friends is. That is very true. When you accept responsibility for everything, all of a sudden the whole world opens up to you.

Everything is possible. Now you see opportunities, and you see things you can do. The reason you are not more successful is because of you


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