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The Intelligent Way To Live - Power Of Human Emotion

Photo: (Screenshot)  Q: Sadhguru can you share something on how to build goodwill and manage perceptions?  A: So how to build goodwill? I was doing a program for one of the top, really one of the largest multinational company in the world, top 25 executives, today even, i had nine volunteers with me, Isha Foundation is a completely volunteer run organization and these nine volunteers were managing everything for the program and on the second day one of these executives asked " Sadhguru where do you get such people(pointing)", because they are always looking for attrition you know, "where do you get such people?", I said "you don't get them you gotta make them", "how do you make them?", I said " you have to make them fall in love with you", "Oh, how do we do that?", I said "first you must fall in love with them", then they say "Oh they don't pay us for that"(laughs).  So that'
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