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Showing posts from December, 2019

Steve Jobs Commencement Address (2005) Stanford University[TEXTS]

Photo: This is the commencement address to graduating students at Stanford University  delivered by  Steve Jobs, Steven Paul Jobs was an American business magnate, industrial designer, investor, and media proprietor.   Wikipedia  This is the full speech:                                            "Thank you! I am honored to be with you today at your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. Truth be told, I never graduated from college. And, this is the closest I’ve ever gotten to a college graduation. Today I want to tell you three stories from my life. That’s it. No big deal. Just three stories. The first story is about connecting the dots.  I dropped out of Reed College after the first 6 months, but then stayed around as a drop-in for another 18 months or so before I really quit. So why did I drop out? It started before I was born. My biological mother was a young, unwed college graduate student, and she decided to put me up for

Focus and utilize the your time and energy.

In today’s world of over simulation, seemingly unlimited distractions and short attention spans, it’s no wonder there are so many people who don’t succeed. It’s no wonder so many people never achieve anything significant. It’s no wonder so many people never reach their true potential. If you want to achieve anything great you must shout out all distractions. Successful people are focused people. Successful people can go into a space where they shut out everything. Where they lock in on the task in front of them. Lock in on their goal. Lock in on their dream. If it is important enough to you, you will shut out all distractions. Shut the door, turn your phone off, turn off social media, lock in, focus and get the job done. A recent study pointed out That average adults spends around 1hour and 40 minutes every day on social media! That is nearly 12 hours Per week! Over 50 hours per month, 616 hours per year. It adds up to 128 days over a period of 5 years. 128 days wasted every 5 yea

Why you feel alone

You don't feel alone because you are alone. You feel alone because you aren't at peace with yourself. You feel alone because you don't love yourself. You feel alone because you have been conditioned to believe that you need another person to complete you. You don't.  You feel alone because you are comparing yourself to others. You don't have to. You feel alone because you have yet to realize there is a greater purpose for your life. You feel alone because all you're thinking about is YOURSELF. Think about it: if your mission is to do good for others, to serve others, to love others and give your best to everyone you encounter, there is no loneliness there. Loneliness can only exist when your thoughts are 100% focused on yourself and what you don't have. You feel alone because you are not living the life you want to live. You are not living as you. When you live a truly authentic life the right people will show up. If you are following the life you wan


You've got to be so discipline people say you are obsessed! You have got to be so obsessed that you actually get results! And those same people will be obsessed with asking you how you did it. Let them call you obsessed . OBSESSED . Obsessed get results!   "Ease". Ease doesn't! "Every-Now-And-Then" doesn't. If you want results you must be obsessed! You have got to work so hard and be so passionate about what you do that people think you are crazy!  You have got to be so in love with your work that no one understands! They will certainly understand when you show them your results! They don't have to understand let them remain confused, confused by your obsession, shocked.. shocked by your results. You have to have a laser like focus when it comes to get what you want in life. You have to lock in and find a way to make it happen . It has to become your obsession. You have to be desperate for it. If you don't care about your goal to make i

The Attitude

There are only two animals on the plant that the creator identified himself with, the first one is the Eagle the second animal is the Lion . And when i identified those two animals as his favorite to identify himself with, i recognized i better study these two animals because if he is the leader of the universe i wanna be the leader on earth , i better find out the nature of these animals and also the attitude of these animals. I discovered both of them are king of their domain, Eagle is the king of bird kingdom and the Lion is the king of the animal kingdom .  But lets talk a little bit about the Lion, the Lion has what it called the spirit of leadership and this word spirit here referring to attitude . A leader has a attitude that makes him or her different from followers. Now Lion is the king of the jungle but Lion to me is a great source of encouragement to all of us, once you write this down remember this as long as you live; number 1. the lion is not the tallest a

The Kings Attitude (Heart Of A LION) | Team Fearless

COURAGE, STRENGTH, LEADERSHIP, BRAVERY, ATTITUDE Sheep follow the leader they follow the herd, they don't know where are going, many times they are led to the slaughterhouse but they keep following, they don't lead, they don't use their mind.  A LION leads. It's about having the courage to stand and fight for your life, having the strength to go bravely in your own direction even if others walk away, you treat your own path. Only you know what's best for you, only you know which path to take, only you know your courage, your strength, your heart. Everyone has the heart of a Lion inside of them. Let it out let it scream out of you like the Lion, unleash the beast in you. Attitude is what you think, what you do, and what you feel about yourself. Attitude is everything in life guess why, whether you rise or fall everything is based on the attitude that you showed at that moment, your attitude determines your altitude.  Listen carefully, i have been through tou

If you are walking alone

Its not going it alone, but if you keep going stay true to yourself, it will be worth till the end. The hardest walk you can make is the walk you make alone. But that is the the walk that make you the strongest, that is the walk that build your character the most.  To all of you fighting battles alone, to all of you going against the grain battling the naysayers; stay strong keep going, stay strong keep going.  This walk is hard but the hardest walk leads to the greatest destinations the toughest climbs always leads to the best views it will be worth in the end and if you show what you are made of the right people will show up in your life . You won't be a lone wolf forever.  You have qualities only few can admire because most don't possess. You have the strength only few can understand because most have never experienced. So don't give in don't settle don't lower your expectations to fit in to this world. You were born to stand out. You were born to lead Lea

Alpha Voice Tone Tips

Sexy Voice Tone Tips: Don't use a forced tone or copy someone elses voice, be yourself and speak your voice. Instead of copying someone master your voice and use it to your advantage. Learn to relax your throat when you speak. a. Good posture(stand up straight make sure your body is comfortable and your throat is relaxed) A great way to relax your throat is by yawning,  (yeouahh! .. do it for 30 seconds a day and you will notice a difference.) It's also important to get rid of any anxiety or jitters before you approach women. Have a confident mindset. Confident mindset is so crutial.  Use proper breathing techniques. Take deep breaths. Expand your chest and allow your body to breath from your diaphragm not your chest. Whenever you talk make sure your chest is out, chin up and your shoulders  Speak clearly and slowly, using pauses(silence while talking is powerful, it triggers that - i expect you to listen and i'm confident about it) Nothing good will come

Life is short. Live everyday for God - Billy Graham

"Time is short. What is your life?, its even a vapour that appeareth for a little time and then vanisheth away.  If someone had told me when i was 20 years old that life was very short and would pass just like that i wouldn't have believed it. And if i tell you that you don't believe it either, I can not get young people to understand how brief life is. How quickly it passes. It seems like yesterday.  I was in school everyone of us here has been given this same amount of time in a day, 1440 minutes a day, 168 hours per week, 70 years god allows us. And its interesting to me with all of our medical science we've never passed that magic mark. The average american male today lives 70 years and  4 months the average female 73 years and 6 months. More people live to be 70. But the average age of an american is still 70 as tough in the scriptures.  What a thing it is when you think that you have just one short life to spend and it will soon be over. I'd write down m

One Day It Will Be Over | LIVE NOW [texts]

I wish I didn't take life so seriously.  I wish I lived more.  I wish I gave more happiness to my family.  I wish I knew how precious life was.  How fleeting, how special and at the same time fragile & insignificant.  I wish I didn't give up on my dreams so easy. ONE DAY YOUR LIFE WILL FLASH BEFORE YOUR EYES, MAKE SURE ITS WORTH WATCHING! When we look back on our life in our last breaths we will all wonder; Did my life mean anything?  Did my life anything to this world? Who I loved? Did I have any impact on anyone else's life? Did I matter? We won't be worried about our bills, we won't be worried about our hair, we certainly won't care about our favorite TV show, we won't spare a second thought of others opinions and judgments. Did I matter?  Before you reach that last breath, today might be the time to make a change.  Make your life matter! One day it will be over.   There will be two dates either side of a dash make sure that da

BELIEVE IN YOURSELF - Team Fearless [texts]

In the beginning, they'll criticize you, they will judge you they'll say you need more work life balance. They'll say it's too risky, they'll say it can't be done, they'll say you can't see clearly. But they can't see your vision.  They can't see your vision.  They don't know your heart, they'll never understand how much it means to you.  Work hard and stay focused on that meaning. Stay focused on your mission. Believe in yourself and lead with integrity. In the end, they'll  ask how you did it, and you'll be able to guide them to a higher level. You'll be the example, the example of perseverance, the example of believing in yourself, the example of never losing sight of your vision, the example of blocking out all the noise and remaining dedicated to your dream your purpose.  I always felt like I need other people to believe in me, but It wasn't. Until i started believing in me that I started going places! When I st

The purpose of life - Short story of a father and son

Photo: Where do i begin? | Once upon a time there lived a very wise man. He was the mayor of  a local village. Everyone respected him and his views and opinions were well regarded. Many people came to him seeking advice. His son however, was very lazy and wasted his time sleeping and spending time with his friends. No amount of advice or threat made any difference to him, he would not change at all. The years passed and with time faded the youth of the wise man. As he grew older he began to worry about his sons future. He recognized that he had to give his son something, so that he could take care of himself and his family to be in the future.  So one day the wise man called his son to his room and said:  "My son, you are no longer a kid now. You must learn to take responsibilities and understand life. I want you to find the real purpose of your life. And once you find it remember it always and you will lead a life full of happiness and